The Artist at home. On this month’s cover, master aquascaper Takashi Amano shares with us his view of the 14-foot (4-meter) planted tank in his home in Niigata, Japan. Largely spearheaded by Mr. Amano, the current revolution in aquatic gardening is well demonstrated by his annual International Aquatic Plants Layout Contest (of which our own Editor-in-Chief David E. Boruchowitz is honored to be among the judges), and we are proud to present photographs of the top 12 winning aquascapes from the 2010 competition (p. 54).

Feature Articles

Africa’s Hottest Tilapia

Author: Lawrence Kent

Our zealous globetrotter explores the extreme waters of Africa’s Lake Magadi, host to a remarkable cichlid species that has no problem enduring its hostile environment.

Amsterdam’s Artis Aquarium: Small Venue, Immense Wonders

Author: Iggy Tavares

Take a trip to the Netherlands’ venerable Artis Aquarium, famed for its collection of biotope exhibits and shark-breeding successes.

Good Golly, Miss Molly! Understanding the Molly Aquarium

Author: Neale Monks, PhD

The always-popular mollies can be rather challenging fish, but our brackish-water fishkeeping expert shares some tips for making their successful care a sure bet.

International Aquatic Plants Layout Contest 2010 (Full Article)

Author: Takashi Amano

Mr. Takashi Amano presents the latest winners of his illustrious annual contest, highlighting some of the world’s most outstanding planted layouts.

Lunar Beauties: Moonlight Gouramis Trichogaster microlepis (Full Article)

Author: Maddy Hargrove

With a silver body so iridescent that it seemingly glows, this gourami makes the perfect choice for aquarists wishing to add a sense of the celestial to their tanks.

Raising Sergeant Majors

Author: Matthew L. Wittenrich

While these regal damselfish are inarguably difficult to raise, an enterprising marine fish breeder embraces and successfully meets the challenge of rearing them, an accomplishment that will no doubt aid in their commercial aquaculture.

The TFH Breeder’s Challenge Contest Finale

Author: Mike Hellweg and Ted Judy

With more then 300 species bred in a single year, we finally have our winner! Find out who took the Breeder’s Challenge crown.

If you are interested to read more, you may subscribe for the digital version by clicking this LINK.

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