harlequintuskfishMarine fish-only tank keeper may want to check out the latest article on the Harlequin Tuskfish by Bill Rosser in the October 2009 issue of Tropical Fish Hobbyist.  There are seven beautiful photos of this fish published as well. Click HERE for a preview is available here if you have not subscribed it.

Harlequin Tuskfish is an incredible, vibrant coloration and otherworldly blue tusk-like teeth, unique-looking wrasse.  A hardy fish that acclimates well to aquarium life, makes a perfect specimen for the fish-only marine aquarium.  Read more at www.tfhmagazine.com

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3 Responses to “TFH’s Oct ‘09: Hardy and Fashionable – The Harlequin Tuskfish”

  1. Shinade aka Jackie
    12:46 am on August 28th, 2009

    My oldest daughter has kept several fresh water aquariums since she was a teenager. This would make a great gift for her.

    I hope you have a terrific day!!

  2. Lisa - Alterity
    1:05 am on September 7th, 2009

    I truly enjoyed this article in the latest issue. They truly are beautiful fish. Not quite the fish for me as I keep corals in my tank. What a decision to make – so many cool fish that I want to keep I can’t because I still want to keep my corals, too!

  3. Steve
    7:26 am on September 10th, 2009

    That’s a nice tank. The Tuskfish is definitely the star.

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