Introducing Henry’s Reef Gourmet!
Why Probiotic?
Probiotic microorganisms (beneficial bacteria) and harmful pathogenic organisms are found naturally in our environment as well as in the digestive system and other areas of animal body including fish & invertebrates.
When an intestinal infection occur, harmful pathogens act destructively against the function of the digestive system , negating the health of the infected fish. Unless an effective treatment is performed, the fish may eventually perish. Oftentime, a broad spectrum medication or antibiotic is used to treat such infection.
However, while such medication are effective against harmful pathogens, important intestinal microorganisms are also destroyed in the process. Hence, treated fish may continue to be susceptible to other form of infections or become emanciated as a result of poor digestive function.
In the above situation, feeding with Probiotics can aid fish recovery in regaining optimum beneficial microoganism in its digestive systems. In normal healthy fish, feeding with Probiotics regularly can keep gastro intestinal microoganisms at peak level to the point where it displaces harmful pathogenic organism, thus preventing potential onset of infection.
A healthy digestive system ensure efficient nutrients assimilation, leading to good health and improved immune system. Also, during our feeding routine, leftover food waste are digested by the beneficial probiotic microorganism. This is a big plus as it means minimal fouling from uneaten food. Furthermore, these microorganism become part of the existing biological filter milieu, thus reinforcing and improving system biological efficiency over time.
Developing Henry’s Reef Gourmet with probiotic benefits is the response to the customers’ feedback with regard to concern over high nutrient from the use of frozen blend.
All the three blends can be used successfully for fish, LPS corals, invertebrates. Feed sparingly for SPS dorminated systems. It is also effective in inducing fishes that are regarded as difficult or will not feed in captivity to start feeding. Example of these fish are Achilles Tang, Powder Blue Tang, Clown Tang, Moorish Idol, Cleaner Wrasse, Regal Angel, Mandarinfish, Pinnatus Batfish, Copperband Butterfly and many more…
This exciting gourmet is now available in our eStore.
10:45 pm on May 17th, 2009
[...] by a popular man in the marine aquarium scene. His name is Henry, the friendly shopowner who made henry’sreefgourmet popular amongst some die-hard marine aquarists. And the shop name is MarineLife Hobbielist [...]