Introducing World Ranking #2 in International Aquatic Plants Layout Contest 2010.
Gold Prize
World Ranking #2
Zhang Jian Feng

Title: Loess Plateau


Dimensions: W90 x D45 x H45 cm (W35 x D20 x H20 inches)

Aquatic Plants: Rotala sp.“nanjenshan,” Riccardia chamedryfolia

Fish & Invertebrates: Trigonostigma espei, Caridina japonica

Evaluation: The gold-prize winning layout sent from Macau had a strong color impact. Riccardia chamedryfolia was attached on red table rocks, and it attracted people’s attention. Mr. Zhang made use of those unique table rocks and expressed a plateau. But all of the rocks are leveled at the same height, and it is regrettable for lacking the power and natural feeling. The layout is themed on “Loess Plateau.” It could have been better if the plants were arranged to express a wider landscape of a plateau.

Original Author: Takashi Amano

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