The first of a two-part series, an expert on crustaceans reviews the biology and basic care requirements of freshwater shrimps, as well as some great species for a freshwater tank. As a freshwater hobbyist, you are probably aware of the long-term scarcity of invertebrates for the freshwater aquarium in contrast to the marine hobby, where a choice of various shrimps and crabs has long been available. What you may not know is that there are highly desirable and marketable species of invertebrates that live in the same habitats as popular aquarium fishes do. In fact, new species are now being introduced to hobbyists at a remarkable pace, especially decapod crustaceans. This steady influx of new... Read more»
What do your freshwater shrimps feed on? They are generally omnivores, with a special preference for vegetable-based foods. Their natural diet includes algae, animal plankton, detritus (rotting foliage, dead vegetable matter, , etc.) and even carrion. The challenge to feed the shrimps is to provide the natural sources of nutrition that are lacking in an aquarium. Try provide a good variety of quality shrimp feed such as different types of frozen feed (artemia or midge larvae), fresh vegetables (courgettes, spinach), algae wafers. Catappa Leaves or herbs (stinging nettles) should be added to the diet on a regular basis as supplements and to provide a touch of variety. SHARETHIS.addEntry({... Read more»
Freshwater shrimps are attractive but sensitive creatures. The popularity of these shrimps are increasing due to their attractive appearances and active nature in any planted aquariums. However, shrimps require more care than fish. Shrimps are sensitive to changes in aquarium conditions and react in particularly to: an increase in copper levels from domestic water copper pipings; medical products for fish; algicides that contains copper; ammonia and nitrite level; excessive concentrations of various kinds of fertilizers; pesticides (insect sprays); solvents (nicotine); hard chemical water conditioners (e.g. products that contains phosphate to reduce GH and KH). The above factors in... Read more»