There are characteristic of corals and their ability to bounce back despite global warming and acidification of the water that causes coral reef damage. Reading from an interesting article “Characteristics that help coral bounce back” from ScienceNews, a report “Resilience Assessment of Coral Reefs” released on 20 May 2009 by the International Union for Conservation of Nature, reported more than 40 indicators, including type of coral, amount of algae and water clarity, may affect how well different coral reefs will cope with climate change and environmental stress. The applauding move of the scientists to understand how various reefs would be affected by climate change... Read more»
THE most comprehensive proposal to save Singapore’s coral reefs yet was released on 23 April 2009, Thursday, calling for the government to formally recognise the richness of reef habitats like Raffles Lighthouse and Cyrene Reef in the southern islands. Over 60 per cent of coral reefs here have been lost to development, and the rest is under threat from climate change and pollution. Yet the remaining 5 to 10 square km of reefs harbour more than 250 species of hard corals, 120 species of fish and 12 seagrass species – almost on par with the rest of South-east Asia’s hotspots for biodiversity. The marine-conservation Blue Plan, over a year in the making, was compiled by a team... Read more»
A new scientific discovery study has shown that a female stressed mushroom can turn into male mushroom, the first to show that corals can change sex in both direction. Mushroom corals belong to a family called Fungiidae which are solitary, mobile species distributed throughout Pacific and Indian Oceans. The reproduction of mushroom corals remains a challenge for scientists to discover. Mushroom corals are very diversified and so abundant. The discovery was surprised many coral reef scientists. “We know in detail the reproductive patterns of more than 500 coral species, but no one reported before on the fact that some coral species may change sex,” says lead author professor... Read more»
Fascinated by marine tanks displayed in commercial buildings, a former exotic show-grade “Ranchus” keeper, who grew up in the homeland of Singapore, has gone on a quest for knowledge in fish and corals, aquarium husbandry and care, since childhood. His achievement has been proudly featured in in July 2007 as Tank of the Month, a 72″ x 33″ x 27″ SPS dominated reef aquarium. The proud owner, a.k.a. Vanquish, is also a founder of Source: SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "An Awesome Reef Tank from Singapore", url: "" }); Read more»