Female Mushroom Turned Male When Stressed, Do You Know That?

A new scientific discovery study has shown that a female stressed mushroom can turn into male mushroom, the first to show that corals can change sex in both direction. Mushroom corals belong to a family called Fungiidae which are solitary, mobile species distributed throughout Pacific and Indian Oceans. The reproduction of mushroom corals remains a challenge for scientists to discover. Mushroom corals are very diversified and so abundant.   The discovery was surprised many coral reef scientists.   “We know in detail the reproductive patterns of more than 500 coral species, but no one reported before on the fact that some coral species may change sex,” says lead author professor... Read more»

If you are reading this blog, probably you be in this wonderful hobby. And most probably at some point you were deciding whether to start this hobby off with a freshwater or marine (saltwater) aquarium. You may or may not have visited lots of aquarium shops, but chances are in your whole life, you may have visited at least 1, and you would have been intrigued by the lovely tiny fish that swims around in an enclosed space which brings to life any area within your house, office or public area. Featured Freshwater Planted Aquarium Video This video was embedded using the YouTuber plugin by Roy Tanck. Adobe Flash Player is required to view the video. You would have dreamt of keeping one of those aquariums... Read more»

Welcome to Fresh ‘N’ Marine Aquarium Blog! This Blog came live shortly after the lauch of our Aquarium Online Store on 2 February 2009. Please visit our Blog regularly for exciting news, deals, announcements of new products in the aquarium hobby. SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "Welcome!", url: "http://freshnmarine.com.sg/blog/hello-world/" }); Read more»

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