Prodac International was a pioneer in the production of synthetic marine salt. In 1983, after years of research, Prodac International formulated a product which has since been constantly improved and enhanced. The salt is produced entirely in Italy and is almost 100% pure. Each gram of sea salt contains the same mix of trace elements found in natural marine water that is necessary for the organisms to survive. Prodac Ocean Reef salts are now available HERE on our eStore. SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "About: Prodac Ocean Reef Salt", url: "" }); Read more»
Certain fish species have proved to be especially good for the production of domesticated strains, including several livebearers, angelfish, and discus, like the one on our cover this month. Through hybridization and selective breeding a multitude of discus varieties have been created, with new ones arriving on the market regularly. Read about the history and current status of discus breeding in San Francisco in our feature article about master breeder Cliff Young (p. 100). Photograph by Andreas Gradin/Shutterstock. Feature Articles A Mediterranean Nano Author: Francesco Denitto, PhD The Mediterranean is a vast wonder with enormous biodiversity, but one innovative Italian aquarist keeps a... Read more»
Happy New Year 2011 everyone! May this year holds new surprises for you and your wish comes true! Enjoy the New Year Countdown Fireworks in our Marina Bay Sands on New Year 12am! This video was embedded using the YouTuber plugin by Roy Tanck. Adobe Flash Player is required to view the video. SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "Happy New Year 2011!", url: "" }); Read more»