Tropical Fish Hobbyist January 2010 Issue

Bettas! The variety in color and finnage available in domestic strains of Betta splendens is truly astounding, as the beautiful male on this month’s cover reminds us, but there is an equally diverse variety among the many wild bettas—the other species in the genus Betta. Large and small, dazzling and drab, bubblenesting and mouthbrooding, there are bettas enough to appeal to anyone. This month, Stan Sung reviews these gems of the Orient in “Magnificent Bettas” (p. 70). Photograph by Ed Wong Feature Articles   Creating a Natural-Looking Iwagumi Nature Aquarium Layout Author: Takashi Amano The master of the planted tank reveals his method for translating natural scenery into realistic... Read more»

Follow TFH on Twitter Contest

During the months of November and December 2009 one lucky TFH Twitter follower will win their choice of Dr. Axelrod’s Atlas of Freshwater Aquarium Fishes or Dr. Burgess’s Atlas of Marine Aquarium Fishes courtesy of T.F.H. Publications—an up to $115 value! Here’s how to enter: 1. Sign up for a Twitter account (if you don’t already have one): 2. Follow our “tweets” at: 3. @tfhmagazine I entered the FREE TFH Aquarium Fishes Atlas giveaway! #fish 4. You’ll be entered in to win a copy of Dr. Axelrod’s Atlas of Freshwater Aquarium Fishes or Dr. Burgess’s Atlas of Marine Fishes Terms... Read more»

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