TFH’s Oct ‘09: Hardy and Fashionable – The Harlequin Tuskfish

Marine fish-only tank keeper may want to check out the latest article on the Harlequin Tuskfish by Bill Rosser in the October 2009 issue of Tropical Fish Hobbyist.  There are seven beautiful photos of this fish published as well. Click HERE for a preview is available here if you have not subscribed it. Harlequin Tuskfish is an incredible, vibrant coloration and otherworldly blue tusk-like teeth, unique-looking wrasse.  A hardy fish that acclimates well to aquarium life, makes a perfect specimen for the fish-only marine aquarium.  Read more at This video was embedded using the YouTuber plugin by Roy Tanck. Adobe Flash Player is required to view the video. SHARETHIS.addEntry({... Read more»

TFH’s Oct ‘09: Maintaining Beautiful Foreground in Nature Aquarium

For all those aquascaping fans out there check out the latest Nature Aquarium article by Takashi Amano in the October 2009 issue of Tropical Fish Hobbyist.  The photos alone will make it worth your time!  Click HERE for a preview is available here if you have not subscribed it. A quick excerpt: Different aquatic plants in an aquarium are typically divided into 3 sections: foreground, midground and background, to give a natural look and smooth transition over the entire layout. There are different short growing plants with different growth rates can be used for planting the foreground. Plants such as Glossostigma, cobra grass, European clover, Cuba pearl grass, short hair grass and Echninodorus... Read more»

Tropical Fish Hobbyist October 2009 Issue

Gracing TFH’s cover this month are a shrimp goby Stonogobiops nematodes and its pistol shrimp partner Alpheus randalli, a pair that lives in mutual symbiosis: The shrimp digs a tunnel in the substrate, which the shrimp and goby both share. When they leave the tunnel, the pistol shrimp (which has poor eyesight) keeps one of its antennae in constant contact with the ever-alert goby, and at the first sign of danger the pair quickly retreats into the tunnel. As author and photographer James Fatherree explains in his article “A Look at Invertebrates for the Non-Reef Aquarium” (p. 96), these animals make a wonderful addition to a marine/FOWLR system, and their activities and interactions... Read more»

FnM Aquarium Blog New Face Lift!

Time has been devoted for a complete makeover of our Fresh ‘n’ Marine Aquarium Blog. Tweaking will still be done to iron out any bugs and posts/articles will be resumed as per normal.  Cheers! SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "FnM Aquarium Blog New Face Lift!", url: "" }); Read more»

Celebrating Singapore NDP 2009 Today!

Singapore is celebrating its 44th birthday today. Leaving all aquatics topics aside, let’s celebrate Singapore’s National Day together with some breathtaking video of actual Firework display taken from the National Day Parade (“NDP”) at Singapore River! This video was embedded using the YouTuber plugin by Roy Tanck. Adobe Flash Player is required to view the video. Firework Display during Final Rehearsal of Singapore NDP 2009 This video was embedded using the YouTuber plugin by Roy Tanck. Adobe Flash Player is required to view the video. Firework Display during Singapore NDP 2009 This video was embedded using the YouTuber plugin by Roy Tanck. Adobe Flash Player is... Read more»

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