FnM eStore New Face Lift!

FnM online store has undergone a new face lift and an upgrading of ecommerce software.  Lots of effort has been spent to enhance the eStore shopper’s navigation experience through over 1800 listed products in the online store. Click HERE to visit FnM online store if you have not done so. SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "FnM eStore New Face Lift!", url: "http://freshnmarine.com.sg/blog/fnm-estore-new-face-lift/" }); Read more»

Pogostemon Stellatus – plant fact

Also erroneously known as Eusteralis stellata. This beautiful stem plant is distributed in South East Asia and Australia. This plant has high CO2 requirements and is suitable for background focal point in larger aquariums. Its strong coloration and large foilage provides a stunning contrast to green stem plants in large aquariums of 55 gallons.  In medium to large aquariums, it can be used as background plants. Propagation is easy by trimming the top to promote side shoots growth. Full coverage is in “Aquatic Plant of the Month” by Efren Leonida in TFH September 2009 Issue. SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "Pogostemon Stellatus – plant fact", url: "http://freshnmarine.com.sg/blog/plant-fact-pogostemon-stellatus/"... Read more»

Take A Break! Watch Singapore NDP 2009 Music Video

Alright, it’s time for a non-aquatic break! I would like to share with you, Singapore National Day Parade (“NDP”) 2009 Theme Song titled “What Do You See”.  Singapore National Day 2009 falls on 9 August 2009. Enjoy the 4 minute YouTube music video and hopefully you can get to know Singapore better. This video was embedded using the YouTuber plugin by Roy Tanck. Adobe Flash Player is required to view the video. SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "Take A Break! Watch Singapore NDP 2009 Music Video", url: "http://freshnmarine.com.sg/blog/take-a-break-watch-singapore-ndp-2009-music-video/" }); Read more»

Getting Ready: Arranging Driftwoods

Driftwood is widely used as a layout composition material in a freshwater planted aquaria, used to express the atmosphere of the natural habitat of tropical fishes. Arranging driftwood in a new setup tank requires simple skill and can be summarised as follow: • Size of driftwood used should be appropriate to the aquarium size, and selection are based on considering overall balance in size; • Type and texture of driftwood should be uniform to avoid mismatched and unnatural appearance; • Arrange several pieces of driftwod by laying them over the substrate; • Secure the pieces by using glass surface and rocks, and by placing rocks to hold them in place; • Use rocks to secure the pieces... Read more»

Tropical Fish Hobbyist September 2009 Issue

Adorning this month’s cover is a striking dragon moray Enchelycore pardalis. Moray eels are the stuff of legend, but of the hundreds of species of eels, only a few are suitable for the home aquarium. You can read about which are the best choices, and some to avoid, in this month’s article from Mike Maddox, “Morays!”.  Photograph by Ed Wong Hemisorubim platyrhynchos: A More Manageable Shovelnose Catfish Author: Seth Gibson Monster cats can reach several feet in length and are almost impossible for home aquarists to keep, no matter how much they want to. A predatory-fish aficionado presents the perfect alternative, the shovelnose catfish, which looks like a monster and grows fairly large—but... Read more»

FnM Cubic Review by Brian Ong

Brian Ong has posted a product review on June 17, 2009 at FnM online store about FnM Cubic 24″ x 12″ x 18″ 6mm Normal Asahi Glass (Euro-Bracing) after his purchase.  “A good tank for its price. Euro bracing is done only on the sides (unlike some fish tanks) so hang on filters, etc. can still be used. The green tint of normal glass is obvious to the eagle eyed, but looking at the price, you cannot complain. The height of the tank is just right; it adds the feeling of depth to the tank. This was what i liked most about the tank.” Thanks to Brian for his wonderful review. FnM Cubic is available at FnM online store. SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "FnM Cubic... Read more»

Tropical Fish Hobbyist August ‘09 Issue

Aquatic plants are more popular than ever in the aquarium hobby, and nobody has been a greater influence on the rise in the popularity of planted tanks than Mr. Takashi Amano, who developed the celebrated artistic aquarium-layout style known as “Nature Aquarium.” Combining a photographer’s eye and reverence for nature with consummate aquascaping and aquaristic skills, Mr. Amano has brought the planted layout to a whole new level, to the delight of a growing international audience. TFH is proud to feature one of Mr. Amano’s impressive aquatic scenes on the cover of this issue, and are privileged and honored to feature his “Nature Aquarium” articles every month in TFH, continuing this... Read more»

Tropical Fish Hobbyist – Free Subscription!

Tropical Fish Hobbyist is now giving away a free digital subscription every Friday in July!  Hurry and sign up for their contest, tweet them at tfhmagazine.com/twitter! SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "Tropical Fish Hobbyist – Free Subscription!", url: "http://freshnmarine.com.sg/blog/tropical-fish-hobbyist-free-subscription/" }); Read more»

Seahorse – fist fact

Seahorses are a genus (Hippocampus) of fish belonging to the family Syngnathidae that includes leafy sea dragons and pipefish. Over 30 species of seahorses are found in mainly shallow temperate and tropical waters around the world. Their natural habitat are usually in sheltered areas with mangroves, coral reefs or grass beds.  Seahorses form territories, with the males occupying about one square meter area of their habitat whereas the females can occupy a range of up to a hundred times of the area the males occupy.  These fish are well camouflaged by the greyish, brownish patterns that blends in well to their habitat background. However, they do turn bright colours during their social... Read more»

Spray Injection Protein Skimming

As previously mentioned, in a counter-current protein skimming system, air is forced into the system under pressure and moves against the flow of the water for a while before it rises up towards the collection cup. There are various types of skimming which falls under this catergory: Adrian-Wheel/Needle-Wheel/Mesh-Wheel, Downdraft, Beckett skimmer and Spray Injection. Specially worth mentioned here is the Spray Injection protein skimming process. Unlike other forms of skimming, spray injection method enables huge amounts of air and water to be processed with a relatively small pump. Imagine yourself  washing a car – you’ve got a bucket full of soapy water and a garden hose with a fast-moving... Read more»

What is Protein Skimming? “Yummy” or “Yucks”?

A protein skimmer or foam fractionator is a device used mainly in saltwater aquarium to to remove organic compounds from the water before they break down into nitrogenous waste. Protein skimming is the only form of filtration that physically removes organic compounds before they begin to decompose, lightening the load on the biological filter and improving the water’s redox potential. Although the process of foam fractionation is commonly known for removal of waste from aquarium, it is, in fact, a rapidly developing chemical process used in the large-scale removal of contaminants from wastewater streams and the enrichment of solutions of biomolecules. Protein skimmers can be classed in... Read more»

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