Today marks the end of Aquarama 2009 leaving many visitors behind good memories which are worth the trip from various countries.  For those who have missed the show, Fresh ‘n’ Marine Aquarium has uploaded some photographs taken during the show to share with everyone.  Here goes…… Some teaser shots of some exhibitors in the show (click the thumbnails for enlarged view): Competition category (click the thumbnails for enlarged view): Discus Competition category (click the thumbnails for enlarged view): Arowana Competition category (click the thumbnails for enlarged view): Goldfish Competition category (click the thumbnails for enlarged... Read more»

Aquarama 2009 Is Now On!

Today marks the opening of the long awaited 4-days event of Aquarama 2009 in Singapore. Aquarama 2009 is the 11th International Ornamental Fish and Accessories Exhibition held in Suntec Singapore from 28-31 May 2009 at Halls 601-603. This exhibition also incorporates Pet Asia 2009 (The Intenational Pet & Accessories Exhibition).   Besides the showcasing of exciting aquarium products and accessories by over 100 international exhibitors, there are also numerous categories of competition.  The categories of competition include Discus, Goldfish, Guppy, Dragon Fish, Tetra, Corydoras, Gourami, Pleco, Cichlids, Molly, Platy, Swordtail, Betta Splendens, Marine Tank and Freshwater Planted... Read more»

News on Reef – Coral Bouncing Back?

There are characteristic of corals and their ability to bounce back despite global warming and acidification of the water that causes coral reef damage. Reading from an interesting article “Characteristics that help coral bounce back” from ScienceNews,  a report “Resilience Assessment of Coral Reefs” released on 20 May 2009 by the International Union for Conservation of Nature, reported more than 40 indicators, including type of coral, amount of algae and water clarity, may affect how well different coral reefs will cope with climate change and environmental stress.  The applauding move of the scientists to understand how various reefs would be affected by climate change... Read more»

Inside Practical Fishkeeping June 2009 Issue

Focus on Jewel cichlids: Little is known about some Hemichromis but that’s the challenge, says Mary Bailey. Cheeky little monkeys!: Even their name sounds mischievous! Emma Turner says Yasuhikotakia sidthimunki are such fun in every way. Capers in the batcave: Michael Lo makes some surprise discoveries in a subterranean stream deep in remote Borneo. Nano tank guide: 10 pages of advice on buying tropical freshwater and tropical marine nano tanks, lighting and the fish and inverts to put inside them. Ask our Experts: Tips, advice and the answers to your questions, plus a glossary of fishkeeping terms. Great Planted tanks: Mark Evans set up this superb planted display tank in his local aquatic... Read more»

Lucky Man for the World’s Best Job!

From 1 July 2009, a tropical Australian island will have a new caretaker exploring, swimming, snorkeling the surrounding islands. Ben Southall, 34, of Petersfield from UK, a bungee jumping, ostrich-riding charity woker, was named the winner Wednesday of what’s been dubbed the “Best Job in the World”.  Having beaten out over 34,000 applicants from around the world, Ben will be assigned to live for free in an airy, three-bedroom oceanfront villa with a private pool and sweeping views of the surrounding islands from Hamilton Island in the Great Barrier Reef.  This adventurous job will also require him to write a blog to promote the area, and his 6 month contract salary is 150,000... Read more»

Henry’s Reef Gourmet

Introducing Henry’s Reef Gourmet! Why Probiotic? Probiotic microorganisms (beneficial bacteria) and harmful pathogenic organisms are found naturally in our environment as well as in the digestive system and other areas of animal body including fish & invertebrates. When an intestinal infection occur, harmful pathogens act destructively against the function of the digestive system , negating the health of the infected fish. Unless an effective treatment is performed, the fish may eventually perish. Oftentime, a broad spectrum medication or antibiotic is used to treat such infection. However, while such medication are effective against harmful pathogens, important intestinal microorganisms... Read more»

I’m a Hungry Fish, Boss!

All living creatures eat, and fish is no exception!  One of the most enjoyable part in keeping aquarium is to feed the fish.  Some species exhibit real “characters”, such as Cichlids, and others do not, such as general schooling fish. Some just eat incredibily Non-Stop, such as Goldfish with no real stomach!  Whatever species of fish it is, almost all of the aquarium kept fish learned to respond to human movement outside the aquarium, especially when a person is near. Some will come forward to the front to stare at you with a silent message most likely asking “Human, are you going to feed me? where is it??”  All fish need to eat generally what Mother Nature intended,... Read more»

JBJ 28 Gallon Nano-Cube HQI & K2-VIPER HQI

JBJ MEGA powered 28g Nano-Cube HQI-Reef Series incorporates many high-tech features not commonly found in “All-In-One” systems. The new concept behind the 28g Nano-Cube HQI was inspired by hundreds of reef hobbyists who requested higher powered lighting, protein skimming, increased water circulation, a more simplified filter, storage area in the stand for chillers, and designated water level columns in the rear chambers for heaters, refugiums and protein skimmers.  JBJ K-2 Viper HQI Clamp-on Lamp Series offers a streamline design to fit on virtually any small reef tank (eg. Nano-Cube) or use it in series for larger aquariums. All models include one 14,000K (Double-Ended) metal halide... Read more»

JBJ Arctica Titanium Chillers

Arctica Titanium Aquarium Chillers are state-of-the-art aquarium coolers incorporating the most advance technological features on the market. These units have been designed for maximum temperature pull-down (BTU`s) with the least amount of energy draw. The complete range of these chillers are now on promotional offer of 10% discount off the usual price in our eStore. SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "JBJ Arctica Titanium Chillers", url: "" }); Read more»

Your Aquarium Fish Will Love The Chills

With many electrical equipments such as filters, pumps and lightings that will keep an aquarium running, it is not surprising that aquariums easily overheat, resulting in the fish, plants, invertebrates or corals suffering or even die if the temperature runs too warm. It is necessary to have an efficient aquarium chiller in tropical or countries experiencing summer season to do the effective chilling job for the aquariums. As most fish and water living beings come from cold waters in the nature, it will be ideal and perhaps necessary to replicate these conditions with, in most cases, a temperature lower than 30°C. Most will thrive well in the temperature ranging between 22°C to 28°C. As... Read more»

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